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Allowing business combinations of Mermaid I ride seahorses because brooms are for amateurs shirt otherwise-unrelated businesses in this manner exacerbates the "too big to fail" aspect of the systemically-important financial institutions (SIFIs) that can engender classic principal-agent problems with risk-taking, aka "heads I win, tails you lose".Those opposed to Glass-Steagall - which at the time of its repeal included most of the business press - ought to consider a related question. Why is it that Financial Holding Companies (a super-category of Bank Holding Companies) are prohibited, by law, from engaging in any business that's a merchant-like activity? Basically, any business in which you hold physical inventory, like a clothes retailer, or even anything where you're selling digital ads, like a publishing company, is a prohibited activity for a Bank / financial institution in the US. Why do you think that is? Girl devil Worship Me shirt Mermaid I rid...